Monday, 22 December 2014

Things you must know About Lift pits Waterproofing

A Lift pit is a crucial point in construction which has considerable place in the architecture of most multi-storey buildings. Four of the most commonly used waterproofing systems for lift pits include; Self-Adhesive/Torch Applied Bitumen Sheet Membranes, Liquid Applied Polyurethane/Bituminous Membranes, Fibreglass Liners and Cement-Based render systems. Following is a selection of facts which helps Durotech understanding the causes of leaks as well some measures to be taken, by qualified licensed Water proofers and Durotech Accredited Applicators.

1.       The most common cause of leaking lift pits is to do quality of installation. This can point to several different issues including a lack of adequate primer, insufficient detailing and membrane application which does not meet the required thickness. Incorrect membrane selection can also be detrimental to the quality of the overall application.

2.       The installation of Self-Adhesive bitumen sheet membranes can be particularly difficult in poor weather conditions. There is also a tendency not to mechanically terminate these types of membranes, which often leads to poor adhesion quality over time.

3.       Some Cement-Based Membranes can be sensitive to low temperatures, particularly in situations where the temperature can get as low as 5°C.

4.         Fibreglass liners are suitable but the major limitation is that it’s a very labor intensive procedure and can easily fail if concentration is not at a premium during application. The system is quite rigid and limitations also exist with regards to permanent elongation quality.

5.       Bolt Holes, which often run through the walls and the Wall/Floor junctions are the main sources of water ingress, thus it’s important that the lift pits are backfilled correctly for the success of any proposed waterproofing systems.

1 comment:

  1. Hello guys If you really want to buy any waterproofing products then I suggest you first preference give the bitumen waterproofer This water based bitumen waterproofer has a unique blend of polymers to create a high quality rubberised membrane that will keep water out and people safe.
