Monday, 26 January 2015

Polyurethane Waterproofing - Membranes

   Durotech Industries – Manufacturer and installer of Waterproofing Coating based on polyurethane membrane, sheet membrane or elastomeric waterproofing membranes, which used to create a seamless membrane on the internal/ external walls, terraces, decks and flat roofs to protect the building structure reliably on a long term basis. As one of the leading manufacturer of polyurethane materials for the construction industry, Durotech Industries has a strong focus on producing a wide range of products and systems to meet today’s customers’ requirements and conform to the latest technologies.
Single Component Polyurethane Membrane

Duroproof™ PPM is a high quality, superior performance single component liquid based on polyurea/polyurethane hybrid membrane. The liquid cures to form a tack- free, high modulus, flexible membrane with suitable exterior use properties.

Principle Applications
  • Reinforced concrete roofs and decks.
  • Balconies, surface finishes such as tiled screeds, timber decking and synthetic grass.
  • Light traffic installations.

  • Single component, easy to spread.
  • Combines high elongation and tensile strength for excellent toughness.
  • Low odour, low VOC & compiles with Green Star requirements.
  • Trafficable and tack-free overnight cure.
  • Good abrasion and tear resistance.
  • Good resistance to weathering.
  • Class III – elongation as per AS/NZ 4858
  • High build application is possible.

  1. Surface Preparation - Surface must be free of dirt, dust, loose particles, oily contaminates, old membranes, curing compounds and flaking concrete etc. concrete should be fine broom finished. Fill all screw holes, cracks with PU sealant.
  2. Priming - The preferred primer for general use is Duromix Hibuild WBE Primer. This primer is suitable where the condition of the concrete surface needs a primer with good penetration. Coat PU primer within 24 hours for wet areas and completely seal the surface with Hibuild WBE beforehand.
  3.  Application - To the prepared surface, apply Duroproof ™ PPM by notched squeegee, spreader, brush or roller within a maximum of 48 hours between coats to achieve an optimum intercoat bond. If membrane becomes dirty between coats, clean it with Xylene to ensure adhesion. Allow 24 hrs to dry before covering. When dry, check for pinholes or misses and rectify if necessary.
Do not apply above 30ºC or below 5ºC ambient temperature. Before starting the job, be ensure that rain is not expected between coats. Protect membrane against the action of roots until of its fully dry.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Liquid Membrane Water Holding Structures and Functions

Waterproofing is a mandatory part when we talk about water holding structures like pools and tanks. Sometimes, roof tops are, also slanting and hold water. Waterproofing of such water bodies is required to keep the structure safe from water. These structures are generally made of concrete material and cracks soon, which may lead to the retaining of water in the walls of structure and will damage it.

Liquid Membrane Structure & Function

Waterproofing companies have the solution for this very common problem. Professional companies use technical methods to get rid of this problem, hence keeps the structure in a good condition for a long time. The whole water holding structures is waterproofed with a suitable membrane for concrete. Special care is taken while waterproofing the most vulnerable parts. For waterproofing pools or water tanks, a solvent based liquid membrane is the best option.

Another place where the waterproofing is very much required is Retaining walls. Retaining walls are very much damped in general as they are in a regular contact of earth and water keeping open space on the other side. They need a proper waterproofing done to keep safe for long time. Waterproofing system used for retaining walls is available in sheets and liquid form as per the requirement of the building. While waterproofing a retaining wall there are special measures which should be taken care of. When start retaining wall waterproofing membrane, one must keep in mind that the area to be waterproofed is thoroughly clean and should be allowed to dry for a day at least before applying the waterproofing membrane.